Sunday, April 15, 2012

Star Wars Party for my Girl

In this household we are Star War fans.  So when I asked my soon to be ten year old daughter what kind of party she wanted for her birthday it was no surprise she wanted a Star Wars party (not sure why we haven't had one sooner).  She loves Ahsoka Tano from Clone Wars and has even made up her own Tano character!  The party however will include as many Star Wars characters as possible.

To get this party going, I've been looking online for some ideas and although they are great, there is not much geared towards the girl side of Star Wars...

Her birthday party is this Saturday so I'll take pictures and post how it went.  I've invited everyone via evite with your typical Star Wars lango.  We've asked everyone to come dressed as a character or a made up one--it is Star Wars after all--full of lively characters.

For the arriving activity everyone is making their own light sabers using installation foam and duct tape: red, blue, purple, and green.  (Idea borrowed from

They are all padawans when they begin the party...they will have to train with the goal of becoming a Jedi.  Trial #1--Using their light saber and the force they will work on keeping balloons of the floor.  Trial #2--Obstacle course to include a "force toss".  Trial #3  --its a surprise!

I'm using silver and blue as the main colors for the decor and hoping I can add touches of the Jedi girl force.

Hoping for a great day!!  Pictures to come....

Lightsabers ready for decorating
Used pipe insulation, cheap and work better than pool noodles
Used metallic duct tape
Cover the end holes with a small piece of the duct tape
Useed black duct tape to add handle features

Used these yard sale stickers for the button

 Party Favors

To keep with the Dark side, Jedi side theme, I filled their goodie bags with blue, red and silver candy.  As well as some Star Wars stationary and a glow tube!

Got these bags at the Dollar Store-came with 25 bags!

 The cake

I'm not much of a baker, but I baked the cake because my daughter does not like frosting on her cake and store bought cakes seem to be too dry.  Other than that I did what I could.  I used a chocolate and yellow box mix to keep with the theme.  I covered it with cool whip mixed with instant pudding.  Here is the link if you wan the frosting recipe.
It wasn't the best looking cake, but I heard it tasted yummy!

I used food coloring to make it blue, my daughters favorite color.  Topped it off with sprinkles!

Covered the border with rose pedals.

The Food

I used labels to come up with fun names.  The kids really enjoyed this.  I wasn't sure if they would.  But they choose their foods based on what they dressed up as.  Thankfully I had healthy snacks on both sides of the forces!

More pictures

Used removable wall stickers for decorations

This was their surprise trial #3...Darth Vader
!!  I made the costume myself minus the mask of course!

We had a blast!  


Arif said...

Very good idea. Thanks.

mamidecinco said...

Thank you Arif!