
I will be updating this page with yummy Peruvian and American foods that have become staples in my home...stay tuned

This is my go to food.  Lomo Saltado.  It is a Peruvian dish... which is where I am from.

Steak cut up like for fajita
Tomatoe long thick slices
Onion long thin slices
frozen French fries
Olive oil
Ginger, salt, peper, garlic powder
Soy sauce (optional)

Bake fries while preparing the rest of the ingredients.
Season steak with the above seasoning minus the soy sauce to your liking.
Stir fry steak in olive oil (you can use vegetable oil too).  Once steak is 90 percent cooked, add tomatoes and onions.  Stir fry together.  You should began to see the juices building.  Taste to see if this is to your liking.  Add some more of the seasoning.  As a final touch, add some soy sauce.  Not too much since it is high in sodium.

Serve with rice and top it off with the fries.  Yummy!

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